This is the final issue of Jim Lee's run of Fantastic Four. Never had the Fantastic Four looked so amazing. Everyone was expecting that Lee would pencil all 12 issues of the storyline, but then Rob Liefeld had to go crazy and get fired. Lee was stuck having to find other artists to fill in for Liefeld's run of Captain America. Hot Image penciler Brett Booth filled in for Lee on the next two issues of Fantastic Four. In this issue of FF, look for Galactus and the Silver Surfer to make an appearance and watch Doctor Doom do some more evil scheming. Bauer out.
Fantastic Four v.2 Issue #6
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Games Are Back
Alright. The flash games Downhill Jumps, Deal or No Deal, and Gold Miner are back on the blog today. I also came across a nice looking Super Mario game, while searching for alternate game hosting websites. Only one game is hosted by now and that's Downhill Jumps. None of the other gaming sites that host Downhill Jumps for blogs have a workable version of the game. For some reason games work again. The only thing I can think of is that once I deleted all those dead games from the blog, forgot that we used their bandwidth. Kind of like clearing your web browser cookies. No more messages from their site stating that I had to pay to use extra bandwidth from them. Go figure. This bandwidth problem shouldn't happen again because we're only using one game from their site as opposed to us originally using six. Enjoy the games! Bauer out.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #5
The Turtles literally end up on another planet in this issue. And they fight aliens that look like triceratops. I guess that explains what happened to all the dinosaurs on Earth. Great artwork and story as always by Eastman and Laird. Bauer out.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #5
Friday, January 26, 2007
Detective Comics #27 (First Batman)
People asked me about these issues in the past when I originally posted the first 10 issues of Detective Comics on another blog. "Do you have the original Batman issues?" Because Batman didn't make his first appearance in Detective Comics until issue #27. Some of you out there already have this issue, but starting next week I'll be posting issue #28. The issues that I'll be posting only include the Batman stories. So that's why the files will be only 6 to 12 pages long. It wasn't until the late 80s that Detective Comics became entirely focused on Batman adventures. The early stories in Detective Comics are unique in that Batman is portrayed as being a much darker character, resembling that of the modern day Batman. Bill Finger created Batman and wrote most of the early Batman stories, yet was never credited in one issue of Detective Comics. He was basically the Golden Age equivalent of a Stan Lee. While Bob Kane continued to pencil Batman, the character's adventures transformed into campy storylines during the 1950s and didn't really become serious or dark again until the 70s. We can only assume that Batman's gritty early stories vanished once Bill Finger left DC Comics. Okay, let's get this party started with the first story of Batman. Bauer out.
Detective Comics #27 (First Batman)
Detective Comics #27 (First Batman)
Bill Finger,
Bob Kane,
DC comics,
Detective Comics
Bone Issue #13
Ever wonder what Fone Bone dreams about? If you didn't already know, you find out in this issue. Also Phoney and Smiley Bone have to start earning their keep. They soon learn that life in the country sure isn't the same as city life. Bauer out.
Bone Issue #13
Bone Issue #13
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Fantastic Four v.2 Issue #5
This is the issue we've all been waiting for. Doctor Doom is back! Prepare to see Jim Lee dazzle you with his detailed version the evil Doc. It doesn't get much better than this. Bauer out.
Fantastic Four v.2 Issue #5
Fantastic Four v.2 Issue #5
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Batman - 20 Issues - 300 Mb
I'm taking it easy today and placing up this one post. I've uploaded this one file containing 20 cbr and cbz files. These issues of Batman include #15, 16, 18, 31, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 85, 90, 91, and 93. Not all issues are complete, but they are the highest quality and most readable scans that you are going to find of these issues. For the couple issues that are only 12 pages long, just hop on over to Comic Books Archive and you can find the complete issues in half the quality resolution. You may not be satisfied with their files because you may have to strain your eyes to read the pages, but they do have the complete issues. You'll probably want to use a download accelerator like FlashGet to download this 300 Mb file so you can pause it or maintain a steady stream on the download. My work is done. Bauer out.
Batman - 20 Issues - 300 Mb
Batman - 20 Issues - 300 Mb
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #4
Master Splinter is missing?! It's time to kick some shell! Or let's just go make another movie! The next Turtles movie is due out this March. You might as well check out this issue from 1985 in the meantime. Bauer out.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #4
Batman Issue #14
Here's another classic Batman issue from 1942. The Penguin appears and makes trouble in Gotham. If you don't already have this one, make sure to download this high quality scanned issue. Bauer out.
Batman Issue #14
Batman Issue #14
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Drawing Cutting Edge Comics
Want to learn how to pencil comics the way the pros do? Or maybe you want to check out some cool looking pencils from guys like Al Rio and other hot artists. Learn how to make your pencils stand out from all the rest. Lots of tight looking pictures in this book. Bauer out.
Drawing Cutting Edge Comics
Drawing Cutting Edge Comics
Links fixed
All comic book links on this blog are now fixed. If any others expire, please let me know and I'll upload them again. Bauer out.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Bone - The Great Cow Race TPB
Fone Bone and his cousins Phoney and Smiley are back for six more issues of the comic book series Bone. Bone is truly a fun and entertaining story. During issues #7-12 we finally get to see the Great Cow Race that Jeff Smith has been leading up to. Will Gran' ma Ben win or will it be the Mystery Cow? Oh yeah, and Fone Bone and Thorn get chased by a bunch of rat creatures. Stupid, stupid rat creatures. Bauer out.
Bone - The Great Cow Race TPB (Issues 7-12)
Bone - The Great Cow Race TPB (Issues 7-12)
Comic Book Babe of the Month - Emma Frost
Wetworks #1
One cbz file | 5.9 Mb | 26 pages
Imagine your skin being made out of flexible, bulletproof armor. That's team Wetworks and they all carry big guns and lots of ammo. It's your typical Image comic filled with action and splash pages. I'm surprised that they drew everyone partially naked in this issue including the Wetworks chick. Um, yeah you might want to check this one out. This is the first of three issues I'll be posting from this series. Bauer out.Wetworks #1
Thursday, January 11, 2007
X-Men v2 Issue #9 - Ghost Rider guest stars
Ghost Rider loses his cool when he meets up with the X-Men. Ghost Rider became possessed by a brood alien during the last page of issue #8. So we get the treat of seeing Ghost Rider and Wolverine going at it. Nuff said. Bauer out.
X-Men v2 Issue #9 - Ghost Rider guest stars
X-Men v2 Issue #9 - Ghost Rider guest stars
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #3
Here's the third issue from the original Turtles series. Its first printing is scarce, but there were second, third, and who knows how many other printings of this issue.
Also here are some of the actors voicing characters in the movie that will be released theatrically this March:
Mako as Splinter
Sarah Michelle Gellar as April O'Neil
Chris Evans as Casey Jones
Patrick Stewart as Max Winters
Zhang Ziyi as Karai
Kevin Smith as a greasy-spoon chef
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #3
Also here are some of the actors voicing characters in the movie that will be released theatrically this March:
Mako as Splinter
Sarah Michelle Gellar as April O'Neil
Chris Evans as Casey Jones
Patrick Stewart as Max Winters
Zhang Ziyi as Karai
Kevin Smith as a greasy-spoon chef
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #3
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Gen 13 v.2 Issue #7
Jim Lee wraps up his two-issue run on Gen 13 here. Fairchild literally explodes out of the first page of this book. Also Burnout continues to be chased by foxy ex-villianess Bliss throughout the story. Some may notice that Lee does his own take on the original issue cover of Gen 13 with new team DV8 taking center stage. What does DV8 stand for? Digital Video - Region 8? I can't remember anymore. We haven't heard anything about the team DV8 since their series went out the window in the 90s. Bauer out.
Gen 13 v.2 Issue #7
Gen 13 v.2 Issue #7
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Stormtroopers Invade the Rose Bowl Parade!

Batman Issues #347, 350, & 353
The first two issues are titled "The Shadow of the Batman" and "Nightmare in Crimson." Issue 353 is titled "Last Laugh" and of course features the Joker. I don't know exactly what the Joker is trying to do to Batman in this issue. Stretch him to death or blow him into itty bitty bat bits? Probably both. I don't care what the story is about. The cover looks cool enough for me to drop everything I'm doing and read this issue! Bauer out.
Batman Issue #347
Batman Issue #350
Batman Issue #353
Batman Issue #347
Batman Issue #350
Batman Issue #353
Monday, January 01, 2007
Gen 13 v2 Issue #6
I recently mentioned Jim Lee's 2-issue run on Gen 13. This came shortly before Lee took off to Marvel to pencil Fantastic Four. I think it's interesting to see his take on Gen 13, a book I never expected to see him draw, especially so early in the second volume of the series. J. Scott Campbell had made this series red-hot with his explosive pencils. I think Campbell was having some problems getting the book out on time and needed a break, so Jim stepped in for him for a two-issue stint. Still, I recall that this issue was at least a couple weeks late arriving on the stands. As most of you know, Gen 13 has recently been relaunched with the original superhero team. I doubt that the sales are that spectacular today, but during the 1990s Gen 13 was a phenomenon. I'm paging through a Wizard magazine from 1995 and I see that Gen 13 was ranked #7 of all comic books being sold. This book was outselling practically every comic book at the time. Only X-Men books, Wolverine, and Spawn had better sales than Gen 13. It was certainly a different world back then. Enjoy this action-filled issue of Gen 13! The second part to the Jim Lee run will be posted in a few days. Bauer out.
Gen 13 v2 Issue #6
Gen 13 v2 Issue #6
Superman Issue #140

One cbr file | 18 Mb | 29 pages
With Bizarro's reappearance (a much darker version) in a recent issue of Action Comics, you might want to check out one of Bizarro Superman's early appearances. Sometimes I wonder if the world is slowly transforming into Bizarro World. Maybe Bizarro wasn't that goofy a character after all. Bauer out.Superman Issue #140
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #2
You can expect dialogue like "Kiss Your Butt Goodbye!!" in this exciting, original issue of the Turtles. With a print run of only 15,000 an issue #2 1st Printing is very scarce. For those of you out there who haven't seen any of the first 4 issues up close, you might be surprised to see the size of these issues (7.5 inches by 11 inches). They certainly don't fit in your average comic book bags. There's plenty of content in this issue with 40 pages of action. Watch out for those Mousers. Bauer out.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Issue #2
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