It's the Gen 13 swimsuit issue! J. Scott Campbell's pencils scorch the pages of this issue, making us wish that we were poolside with Fairchild, Rainmaker, and Freefall. Unfortunately, Rainmaker has purchased a swimsuit since last issue (the birthday suit issue), but she still has one surprise up her sleeve for Freefall. Also the Gen 13 team manages to find time to fight a new villain called Helmut. Can they just have some time to skateboard and catch some sun already? Being a superhero is a tough job. Enjoy! Bauer out.
Gen 13 v2 Issue #2
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Silver Surfer v3 #002-010

In case anyone hasn't had enough of the Zenn-Lavian, then here are some more comics from the third volume of the Silver Surfer comics.
These 9 comics (packed inside the rar file) are the first few comics of Englehart's run. The stories are action-packed and entertaining while the plot is of a cosmic scope with some romantic entanglements attached. Basically, a new group of beings called The Elders decide to destroy the Universe and it's up to the Surfer to try and stop them.
I guarantee you that this is an entertaining saga as it produces some of the best work (both in terms of written and artistic quality) on the Silver Surfer character. It is only topped by the next saga that Englehart writes and I was so impressed that I personally wrote an e-mail to the writer to thank him for the brilliant comics that he delivered back in 1989.
Look out for the concluding issue as there you will see one of the biggest meet-ups in Marvel history.
Silver Surfer v3 #002-010
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Fantastic Four v1 Issues #2 to 12
This is the week of the theatrical release of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer! Here are the next 11 issues to the original FF series. There are so many things happening in the first year of adventures:
Issue #2 - 1st appearance of Skrulls
Issue #3 - 1st appearance of regular FF costumes and 1st Fantasti-Car
Issue #4 - Re-introduction of Sub-Mariner (he had been missing since the Golden Age)
Issue #5 - 1st appearance and origin of Doctor Doom
Issue #6 - 1st Marvel villain team-up issue ever
Issue #7 - 1st Kurrgo
Issue #8 - 1st appearance of the Puppet Master and Alicia Masters
Issue #9 - Another Sub-Mariner (Namor) appearance
Issue #10 - 1st Ovoids and another Dr. Doom appearance
Issue #11 - 1st Impossible Man and Willie Lumpkin
Issue #12 - 1st battle between the Thing and the Hulk
Enjoy! Bauer out.
Fantastic Four v1 Issues #2 to 12
Issue #2 - 1st appearance of Skrulls
Issue #3 - 1st appearance of regular FF costumes and 1st Fantasti-Car
Issue #4 - Re-introduction of Sub-Mariner (he had been missing since the Golden Age)
Issue #5 - 1st appearance and origin of Doctor Doom
Issue #6 - 1st Marvel villain team-up issue ever
Issue #7 - 1st Kurrgo
Issue #8 - 1st appearance of the Puppet Master and Alicia Masters
Issue #9 - Another Sub-Mariner (Namor) appearance
Issue #10 - 1st Ovoids and another Dr. Doom appearance
Issue #11 - 1st Impossible Man and Willie Lumpkin
Issue #12 - 1st battle between the Thing and the Hulk
Enjoy! Bauer out.
Fantastic Four v1 Issues #2 to 12
Fantastic Four,
Jack Kirby,
Marvel comics,
Stan Lee
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Silver Surfer the animated series

The road to the movie screen is often a long one for any fictional character. The Silver Surfer, first appearing in 1966, has made a number of appearances on comic books and animated series of other characters but it was only in 1998 that he had his own solo animated series. Written by Larry Brody, the series drew upon the comic books but the stories were very different. Deeming it to be too philosophical, the series was cancelled after 13 episodes. At, the entire series is available for view (thanks to the uploader):
Silver Surfer the animated series
Silver Surfer v2 #1 (one-shot by John Byrne)

The Silver Surfer had been languishing in exile from the publishing world after the end of his first solo series. He made occasional appearances on the Fantastic Four comics but he largely remained anonymous. This was because Stan Lee had personally kept the rights to the character (since he enjoyed him so much) and as the big man became busy with other facets of the Marvel comic empire, he found that he had less time to actually write. John Byrne, the penciller for the Uncanny X-Men series at the time (which included the famed Dark Phoenix Saga) and an avowed Kirby fan, decided to bring the Surfer back in 1982 and plotted this issue with Lee returning to write the script. The two were unable to take it any further and this issue stood alone as a one-shot.
Silver Surfer v2 #1 (John Byrne one-shot)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Gen 13 v2 Issue #1
The costumes have changed a little, but it's still the same characters for issue #1 for the second volume of Gen 13. The unexpected success of the original Gen 13 mini-series brought about this continuing regular series. At this point, Image was basically cashing in as much as they could on Gen 13's popularity. There were 13 covers printed for this first issue. The regular Gen 13 creative team from the mini-series continued to bring this exciting superhero team of the 1990s to life. The sad thing about Gen 13 is that once J. Scott Campbell left the series a couple after this issue, the book plummeted in sales. The team of Gen 13 is fun, but the regular series never really developed any compelling villains or created a sense of important storylines like Spider-Man or X-Men ever did. There's some great artwork in this issues though. You've heard of popcorn movies. Well this is a summer popcorn comic. This issue is titled "Among Friends and Enemies!" Enjoy! Bauer out.
Gen 13 v2 Issue #1
Gen 13 v2 Issue #1
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Star Wars v1 Issues #23 & 24
Here's the next two issues to the original Star Wars series from Marvel Comics. Both are from 1979. Darth Vader is back in issue #23 and even Obi Wan Kenobi rejoins the series for issue #24's special untold story. Issue #23 is missing a couple pages, but it's nearly complete. If you really want those pages I'm sure that you can find a low priced copy of the issue on EBay. Enjoy! Bauer out.
Star Wars v1 Issue #23
Star Wars v1 Issue #24
Star Wars v1 Issue #23
Star Wars v1 Issue #24
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Gen 13 v1 Issue #0
Issue #0? Image came up with the idea of an issue #0 for most of their comic book series. It's usually an origin or backstory issue. Gen 13 #0 is unique in that it contains individual stories from the Gen 13 team, explaining what's happening between issue #5 and issue #1 of the upcoming ongoing series. Jim Lee pencils a solo adventure about Fairchild and J. Scott Campbell does a Grunge and Freefall story. There's also a Burnout/Rainmaker story and solo Lynch tale. The action continues! Enjoy! Bauer out.
Gen 13 v1 Issue #0
Gen 13 v1 Issue #0
Gen 13,
Image comics,
J. Scott Campbell,
Jim Lee
Spider-Man Issue #16 (Final McFarlane Issue)
If it was your final day at a job, what would you do? This was Todd McFarlane's final issue of Spider-Man and working as an employee of Marvel Comics. So what did he do? He drew an issue that is made entirely sideways. The book basically opens up like a calendar and that's how you read it. It was a very bizarre idea for 1991. But was it ever cool to read. The front cover even has Spider-Man giving a farewell to Todd. It's a great way for McFarlane to go out. We get to see X-Factor in this issue and even one of the great X-Men villains Juggernaut. So what did Todd do after this issue? He joined up with a few other artists and writers to form the comic book company Image. And by May of 1992, just about every comic book fan was reading issue #1 of McFarlane's Spawn. Enjoy! Bauer out.
Spider-Man Issue #16 (Final McFarlane Issue)
Spider-Man Issue #16 (Final McFarlane Issue)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
G.I. Joe: Battle For the Serpent Stone Movie
Great GI Joe fan films are scarce. This is the best one I've ever seen. The characters are true to the comic book and 1980s animated series. Snake Eyes, Duke, Lady Jaye, the Baroness, Major Bludd, and Cobra Commander all appear in this entertaining movie. The costumes are very close to the originals and story is good fun. This movie had to be made by a true Joe fan. There have been a lot of embarrasing GI Joe fan films circulating on the net. Finally this one delivers the goods. Both of the chicks in this film are hot. The Baroness even looks kind of like Alias' Jennifer Garner. Job well done. Everyone have an awesome weekend! See you next week. Enjoy! Bauer out.
Olivia Briggs as Lady Jaye
Scott Roberts as Duke
Kelly Rae Cole as the Baroness
Aaron Mendelson as Major Bludd
Andre "Chyna" McCoy as Snake Eyes
Edwin Villa, Josh Paugh, and Marrese Crump as Cobra Troopers
G.I. Joe: Battle For the Serpent Stone Movie
Olivia Briggs as Lady Jaye
Scott Roberts as Duke
Kelly Rae Cole as the Baroness
Aaron Mendelson as Major Bludd
Andre "Chyna" McCoy as Snake Eyes
Edwin Villa, Josh Paugh, and Marrese Crump as Cobra Troopers
G.I. Joe: Battle For the Serpent Stone Movie
Captain Marvel Adventures Issue #1
What was the best selling comic book during the 1940s? Superman? Batman? Try Captain Marvel Adventures. Captain Marvel first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 back in 1940. That issue sold over 500,000 copies. Whiz Comics stories were very similar to Action Comics in that they both contained action-filled stories. Since Captain Marvel was a huge success, just like Superman and Batman, he was also given his own solo title. Captain Marvel is one of the classic Golden Age characters who was basically given the shaft. You would think that since Captain Marvel was so popular during the 1940s that he would be a top superhero today. The weird thing about Captain Marvel is that he was sued out of existence by DC Comics. Yeah, DC Comics gave Cap Marvel an early grave. DC claimed that Captain Marvel was a rip off of Superman. DC Comics' lawsuit against Fawcett Comics lasted for over a decade and by 1953, Fawcett finally gave up. Fawcett paid DC Comics a tremendous sum of money for damages, folded up the company, and agreed to never publish a Captain Marvel comic again. Today, Captain Marvel and other Fawcett superheroes like Bulletman and Blue Beetle are owned by DC Comics. So DC Comics pretty much destroyed those characters that they now own. They are forgotten heroes. The funny thing about DC Comics' Captain Marvel today is that DC cannot publish a comic titled Captain Marvel or Marvel anything. Marvel Comics snatched up the rights to the name Marvel decades ago. So that's why DC Comics' Captain Marvel of today is called Shazam. That's what the character Billy Batson shouts out to transform into Captain Marvel. The idea that Captain Marvel was anything like Superman is purely ridiculous. A lawsuit like that would have been shot down in a heartbeat today. DC Comics was getting smacked around by Fawcett Comics in sales and they just wanted to find some way to eliminate their competition. DC Comics was successful at doing that until a little company renamed Marvel Comics (formerly Timely Comics) grew up to become the powerhouse that DC Comics always dreaded. Here's a toast to a great fallen superhero who could have been a giant today. Enjoy the first exciting issue of Captain Marvel! Bauer out.
Captain Marvel Adventures Issue #1
Captain Marvel Adventures Issue #1
Batman Issue #1
Since I posted Superman #1, I might as well post Batman #1 too. Batman originally appeared in Detective Comics #27 in 1938, which is already posted on the blog. DC Comics realized that the Caped Crusader was a hit and gave him a solo title in 1940. It doesn't get much better than this for issues of Batman. It's the first appearance of the Joker and Catwoman (who is called the Cat in this issue). It wasn't until next issue that the Cat became Catwoman. It's a classic issue with two Joker stories! And since Robin had already been introduced in Detective Comics #38, the Boy Wonder is also in this issue. Enjoy! Bauer out.
Batman Issue #1
Batman Issue #1
Superman v1 Issue #1
It's the first issue of Superman! Superman originally appeared in Action Comics #1 from 1938, but once Superman became popular DC Comics decided that it was time to give Supes his own book. Action Comics was similar to Detective Comics in that both titles used to only give you 8 to 12 pages of your favorite superhero (Superman or Batman) and devote the rest of the issue to about 8 other character stories. So when Superman #1 was released in 1939 you can imagine the excitement for this series that contained 64 pages entirely devoted to the Man of Steel. The only thing that was bad about the Superman series was that readers could only buy issues on a quarterly basis. Action Comics was published monthly. These are crystal clear scans from the first issue. We'll get back to issue #168 of Superman next week. I thought it would be nice to take a look back at how the series began. Enjoy! Bauer out.
Superman v1 Issue #1
Superman v1 Issue #1
DC comics,
Jerome Siegel,
Joe Shuster,
Friday, June 01, 2007
Gen 13 v1 Issue #5
It's the final issue of the original Gen 13 mini-series! All kinds of things happen in this one as all stories and confrontations wrap up. J. Scott Campbell brings his penciling "A" game with this action-packed issue. Does Grunge still have the hots for Fairchild? What does Bliss really want from Burnout? And what does Lynch really think of his job when Ivan goes all psycho on him? The Gen 13ers also discover more clues about their new superpowers. So what comes after issue #5 of this mini-series? Issue #0 of course. Enjoy! Bauer out.
Gen 13 v1 Issue #5
Gen 13 v1 Issue #5
Transformers v1 Issues #1-13
Transformers...more than meets the eye. Transformers...robots in disguise. As long as I posted the first issues of G.I. Joe, I might as well post the first issues of the other Marvel/Hasbro series: The Transformers. Transformers are bigger than ever with a huge movie release in July. This is where it all started. There were the comic books, the animated series, and of course the cool transforming action figures. The upcoming movie should be entertaining with original characters like Optimus Prime appearing in a live-action form. Enjoy! Bauer out.
Transformers v1 Issues #1-13
Transformers v1 Issues #1-13
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