They’re back with a catch-up on the news and reviews of War Heroes #2 and Walking Dead #52, plus looks at Flash Gordon #1 and Red Rocket 7.
Variant Edition Pick of the Week? Invincible #53!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
X-Men: Night of the Sentinels Part 2
Here's episode 2 to the original X-Men animated series. It's a continuation of the Night of the Sentinels story from the previous episode. Episode 1 is already up. The character of Morph was created for the animated series and eventually was introduced into the comic book series. Nuff' said.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Spawn Episode 1 Season 1

Todd was recently talking about a sequel to the original live action Spawn movie. He said that it would have to be a low budget film and that he pictured Spawn as a boogeyman kind of character in a new movie. Todd seems to like bringing up the thought of another movie every now and then, just so he can find someone to finance it. He could have partially financed it himself, a few years back, if he hadn't spent all his money on baseballs. If the Spawn comic book survives another 10 years, maybe we'll see another Spawn movie. There just isn't the audience that there once was.
I remember that when the book was really plummeting in sales, Todd would print these uncensored letters from fans at the end of every issue. They would swear at him and he would swear back. And he lost more readers. I wonder why.
I feel bad for Spawn artist Greg Capullo. He flawlessly took over for Todd as penciler and drew basically the next consecutive 80 issues. Capullo actually had a breakdown from working on Spawn and has only recently been able to sit down and pencil again.
Originally Spawn was a fun, edgy book. Spectacular artwork, a mystery about Al Simmons' origin, and crazy villains and supporting characters. Then it kept losing direction, becoming very depressing, until every issue seemed to be Spawn sitting on tree stump or dumpster and having maggots crawl out of his head. I think it represented Todd's brain rotting. Instead of lightening up the book, it kept getting darker by the issue. Al Simmons became a crabby, old man who didn't want to do anything heroic anymore. The last time I looked at an issue, I think all the pages were completely black. I could barely see the green glow from Spawn's eyes anymore. So enjoy this first episode from a time when Spawn was still fun and was at least king of the alleys.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
X-Men: Night of the Sentinels
It's the first episode of X-Men! See how the original series began! Nuff' said.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Terminator 4: Salvation teaser trailer
I was surprised to see that they already have a teaser movie trailer for the 4th installment of Terminator. Here it is.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Day the Earth Stood Still Movie Trailer
This doesn't seem to be a remake of the original classic "The Day the Earth Still" movie from 1951. It looks like an entirely different story. In the original, the aliens landed on Earth offering peace, only to be misunderstood. Now it looks like they've turned this into "Independence Day" with aliens intentionally destroying the planet. I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of Predators jump out of the space ship in this new version. Totally ridiculous. I'm posting the new trailer and movie trailer from the original movie that was a breakthrough in science fiction movies.
The new movie
The original movie
The new movie
The original movie
The Stack: Incredible Hercules Gets It On
In this special episode of The Stack Pete talks with Fred Van Lente. First Fred talks about giving Hercules his mojo back. Next we get a look an inside look at Marvel Zombies. Then Fred talks about Wolverine First class and Skrulls Vs. Power Pack.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Marvel Comics - CUP O' JOE - VIDEO LETTERS #1
Joe Quesada (artist and editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics) attempts to answers comic book questions, but just can't seem to stay focused. That's what happens when you film something like this after a long business day.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Jim Lee/Stan Lee 'Comic Book Greats' Parts 3-8
Here's all the rest of the videos to Stan Lee's interview of Jim Lee. Great for comic book fans and budding comic book artists around the world! Nuff' said.
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Jim Lee/Stan Lee 'Comic Book Greats' Parts 1 & 2
Stan Lee interviews Jim Lee while he was on his penciling run of the first few issues of X-Men v2. These are the first two parts of the interview. Jim left X-Men after issue #11 and went off to create Wildcats and draw for about twenty different titles. While Jim has penciled for Image and DC, he returned to Marvel for a year to pencil Fantastic Four and write various titles under the "Heroes Reborn" storyline. Nuff' said.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
The Spirit #2

The Spirit #2
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
X-Men - Out of the Past
Here's a classic 2-part episode (shown in 4 parts on youtube) from the original X-Men animated series. It's the first two episodes from season 3, titled "Out of the Past." These episodes were featured on the "Origin of Wolverine" dvd. Now if only they would start releasing these seasons on dvd. Practically every tv series in the world is out on dvd and Disney continues to horde the rights to this series. Damn you Disney. Captain Jack Sparrow should make you walk the plank. Nuff' said.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Matrix Movie Mistakes
A Matrix fan points out some mistakes in the Matrix that you may not have noticed.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Just when you thought you saw all of Iron Man, think again. It's a deleted scene from the movie. Iron Man hits dvd on September 30th. There will probably be more deleted scenes to be found on there. Nuff' said.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
George Lucas in Love
Here's a fun fictional short film about how George Lucas thought up all those ideas for Star Wars.
Variant Edition: Week of 8/19
This week: Kirkman, McLovin, Dark Knight, Captain America, and Spider-man.
Friday, August 22, 2008
A red shirted crew member of the USS Enterprise travels the galaxy and solves problems with Hostees Fruit Pies!
The Stack: Heavy Metal And Ninja Turtles with Kevin Eastman
In this special episode of The Stack Pete talks with his hero Kevin Eastman. Eastman talks about his experiences creating Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the recent movie, and how it's helped him at Heavy Metal Magazine.
The Spirit #1 (1940)

The Spirit #1 (1940)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Eagle Eye Movie Trailer
Eagle Eye is due out in theaters in late September. This is what Shia LaBeouf does between Transformers and Indiana Jones movies. Could be interesting. It always helps to be best buds with Steven Spielberg. If Spielberg isn't directing LeBeaouf, he's producing his next movie.
Netflix Customer Service Stinks

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Marvel Weekly Watcher: August 8, 2008
Alexa Mendez talks about Secret Invasion #5, THE STAND comic book video trailer and sketchbook, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, her comic book picks of the week and more!
The Weekly Watcher: August 8, 2008
The Weekly Watcher: August 8, 2008
The Stack: Cloak & Dagger Return and Topical Issues with Marc Andreyko
In this special episode of The Stack Alex talks with Valerie D'Orazio and Marc Andreyko. First Valerie talks about bringing the cult favorite characters Cloak and Dagger back in their own title. Next, Marc Andreyko talks about his mission to talk about real world issues using Manhunter. Then Marc talks about his new Wildstorm comic book Ferryman.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Spirit Movie Trailer
Looks like Sin City. Feels like Sin City. It's from Frank Miller, but it's "The Spirit." A longer look at the upcoming movie for this December.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Babylon A.D. Movie Trailer
I haven't heard much about this movie coming out in late August, but at least the special effects looks cool. These are probably the best parts of the movie anyway. Maybe Hollywood should consider making movie trailers and then asking people if they should spend anymore money completing a film.
The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins - Leonard Nimoy
Leonard Nimoy sings for a 60s music video?! This is too funny. With all the times that the crew of the Enterprise has traveled back in time, you would think that Mr. Spock would purposely destroy any evidence of this song or video existing. Leonard Nimoy sings about Biblo Baggins, the Hobbit in this music video. One of the few song's from Nimoy's short-lived singing career. At least all the women in the video think Nimoy is "groovy." Now imagine if they played this song during the first Lord of the Rings movie.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pulp Secret: The Stack
In this special episode of The Stack, they talk with creators Brian Azzarello, Frank Cho, and the team of Craig Kyle and Chris Yost. First up Brian Azzarello talks about his projects 100 Bullets, The Joker, and Filthy Rich. Next Frank Cho talks about drawing Jeph Loeb's Red Hulk and his naked picture of the She-Hulk that was pulled from a charity auction. Then Craig Kyle and Chris Yost talk about writing the Next Avengers movie and X-Force.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
William Shatner visits Leonard Nimoy
Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock reunite. William Shatner takes a look around Leonard Nimoy's house. He has a few Star Trek collectibles.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Anybody want some Hulk shoes?
Marvel seems to be auctioning off props on EBay from this year's Incredible Hulk movie. This is a good item for Hulk fans. They're actually selling some of Liv Tyler's (Betty Ross) shoes from the film. Starting bid is $89.99 USD. Also, remember all those Hulk statues that they had at the movie theaters over the summer? If you have a pile of cash somewhere, you can take one of those home with you for only $3,100 USD. They ship the shoes, but if you want a statue it's for pickup only. You'll need practically a moving truck to haul that sucker. Or you could just throw Hulk in your convertible and ride around the neighborhood with him. There's one Hulk statue that's selling for $1,800 USD because he's missing his teeth. Hulk get smashed? Hulk needs dentures.
Incredible Hulk Panel at Comic Con
Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, and other people like the director, discuss the Incredible Hulk movie at last year's San Diego Comic Con. Marvel should consider putting these Iron Man and Hulk Comic Con panels on their dvds. They are so much better and more candid than typical dvd interviews. It's also fun because you hear things about the movies that the actors would have normally forgotten by the time the movie hits theaters.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Pulp Secret: The Stack
In this episode we find out what would happen if The Stack ever wrote X-Men. We also check out Hulk #5, Justice Society Annual #1, and the reboot of Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane. During the Speed Round we check out Pilot Season: The Core #1, Wildcats: World's End #1, Reign in Hell #1, Fantastic Four: True Story #1, and Wolverine #67.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Variant Edition Tuesday 7/29/08
Variant Edition Tuesday is the quick dose of comic knowledge you need before you step into the comic book shop this week: the best books hitting the stands and the latest headlines.
Friday, August 01, 2008
The Mummy Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor- Extended Clip
Here's a partial scene from the new Mummy movie. The Brendan Fraser Mummy movies were always known for being action-packed and elaborate with special effects. It looks like there will be plenty of action in this new one too.
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - Movie Trailer
You probably knew it already, but there's a new Mummy movie out in theaters beginning August 1st. Now we can call it a trilogy. The new film looks totally different from the first two, although at least a couple of the old characters are still on board. Brendan Fraser goes to China? I guess that some terra cotta warriors come to life and create some chaos. Jet Li is also supposed to be a mummy or something.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Punisher: War Zone Teaser Trailer
A first look at the Punisher: War Zone movie coming to theaters in December.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Image comic artists in Wizard interview
The original Image comics founders reunite for this June interview. Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, Erik Larsen, Jim Valentino, Whilce Portacio and Rob- sorry I can't say the "L word." Everyone is there except Jim Lee. Damn, these guys look old now.
Note: I received a comment (believe it or not) today on this post. It was in Spanish so I really couldn't tell what it was about. Something about discriminating against somebody. Hmm. Was I discriminating against Rob? I won't say his last name that begins with an "L" because he's a jerk and he deserves as little publicity as possible. Saying his last name is like swearing. His artwork continues to get worse through the years (also drawing large breasts on male superheroes) and he left Jim Lee holding the bag when he screwed up "Heroes Reborn" with Marvel. So what is Rob trying to do now? Restart Youngblood for the one hundredth time. He'll be all worn out by issue 2, as usual. Also was I discriminating against old people? Hell no. Most of the comics on this blog were drawn or written by senior citizens. Not to say that the founders of Image are that old yet. Word of advice Jorge. Lighten up.
Note: I received a comment (believe it or not) today on this post. It was in Spanish so I really couldn't tell what it was about. Something about discriminating against somebody. Hmm. Was I discriminating against Rob? I won't say his last name that begins with an "L" because he's a jerk and he deserves as little publicity as possible. Saying his last name is like swearing. His artwork continues to get worse through the years (also drawing large breasts on male superheroes) and he left Jim Lee holding the bag when he screwed up "Heroes Reborn" with Marvel. So what is Rob trying to do now? Restart Youngblood for the one hundredth time. He'll be all worn out by issue 2, as usual. Also was I discriminating against old people? Hell no. Most of the comics on this blog were drawn or written by senior citizens. Not to say that the founders of Image are that old yet. Word of advice Jorge. Lighten up.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Iron Man Cast at San Diego Comic Con (Continued)
A continuation of the Iron Man cast interviews from last year's San Diego Comic Con. Nuff' said.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Marvel Weekly Watcher
News about this week's San Diego Comic Con and comic book news from Marvel HQ.
The Weekly Watcher: July 18, 2008
The Weekly Watcher: July 18, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Iron Man Cast at San Diego Comic Con
You've seen the movie. Now it's time to see what the actors of Iron Man had to say as they finished filming the movie last year. Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard, and Jon Favreau take questions from comic book fans at the San Diego Comic Con. Also look for a special guest star. Nuff' said.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tomb Raider: The Greatest Treasure of All #1

It really is the greatest treasure of all the Tomb Raider comics. An entire double-sized issue of Tomb Raider, painted by Joe Jusko. You won't want to miss this one. Nuff' said.
Mulder and Scully Interview for X-Files 2
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in a new interview for the upcoming X-Files movie.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Dawn: Three Tiers #3
Is it just me or did this site get more popular since I left? People from countries all over the world seem to be checking this place out. Are they looking for comics, videos, or just wondering if I'll return? I have no idea. But I'm back with the next issue of Dawn.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Wizard Magazine #201

Here's the current issue of Wizard Magazine. Get all caught up on what comic books are coming to a comic book shop near you. I don't have much time to post books anymore, but you all can find a lot more issues over at Now I'm gonna kick back and enjoy the summer for a while. It's great to read some comic books and build your own collection, but make sure to get outdoors and enjoy the weather people! You might just find your own real life comic book babe or hunk out on the beach. Nuff' said!
X-Men v2 #4

First Omega Red! Wolverine, Gambit, Rogue, and Jubilee enjoy their summer at the mansion by shootin' some hoops. No powers people! By Chris Claremont and Jim Lee. Nuff' said.
Justice #2

The DC universe comes to life when Alex Ross paints another issue for this extremely popular 12-issue mini-series. The Riddler is the featured villain in this issue. And that could only mean that somebody is hot on his trail. Enjoy!
Sensational She-Hulk #3
John Byrne pencils and writes this issue of She-Hulk, guest starring your favorite webhead.
Amazing Spider-Man,
John Byrne,
Marvel comics,
Codename: Knockout #15 (Mature content)

(Mature content) Before anyone really knew who Ed Benes was, he penciled a few issues of this series called Codename: Knockout. This issue is actually tame compared to the next issues he penciled. There's brief nudity and even some swearing. Benes currently pencils Justice League of America.
Masters of the Universe #1 (Image)

Here's the first issue of an impressive revival of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Image comics. Great artwork inside and the cover is drawn by J Scott Campbell.
Six From Sirius v1 #1

Interesting mature science fiction mini-series created by Epic Comics, owned by Marvel.
Ripclaw v1 #1

Straight from the pages of Cyberforce comes Ripclaw! Ripclaw's hot girlfriend gets attacked and that kind of ticks him off. Masterful pencils by Brandon Peterson.
Brandon Peterson,
Image comics,
Top Cow Comics
Chaos Quarterly #1

Lady Death and Purgatori adventures. Sometimes they wear clothes and sometimes they wear none at all. Mindless summertime bimbo adventures.
Purgatori #1

If you enjoyed Al Rio's pencils in Gen 13 #15, you might want to check out what he drew for this series. Similar to Lady Death, Purgatori is another scantily clad bad girl from hell.
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #60 (Final Issue)

Just when Moon Knight started to get some attention with Stephen Platt at pencils, they canceled the series and Marc Spector went Splatt in this final issue.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Reaper's Andi Video Interview at Chicago Wizard World
Missy Peregrym (Andi from tv's Reaper) was interviewed at this week's Chicago Wizard World comic book convention. See what she has to say about this first season phenomenon.
Spidey goes to Wizard World Chicago
Wizard World Chicago may be over, but most of this video is run like a skit from Twisted Toyfare. Spider-Man waits in line with Iron Man to get into the convention.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Hulk and Batman
After Iron Man and Batman went at it in a previous video, the Hulk and Batman discovered that they had a lot in common with past movie letdowns and failures. Batman & Robin anyone? You couldn't pay me enough to sit through that one.
Now he's the Incredible Hulk
Here's a video with footage from the new Hulk movie. They also show footage from other films (Batman) or franchises that were rebooted. This new Hulk movie should have brought in a lot more people to the theater on opening weekend than the Ang Lee version, which they also show clips of in the video. I didn't realize how green and fake the Hulk looked in that one, until they showed him next to the new, refined version. I think that too many people were turned off by that other version that they haven't bothered to check this new fun movie out. It's story is even tied into the Iron Man movie, so you can't go wrong with it. Loved the Stan Lee cameo. Is it me or do his cameos keep getting better with every movie?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Daredevil v2 #2
At one time, it looked like Daredevil would hit issue #400. But then again, sales were really low for DD by the mid-90s and the book was struggling to survive. There hadn't been a really interesting Daredevil storyline since "Fall From Grace" when Matt Murdock was nearly killed and decided to wear a new costume. This is an issue from the Joe Quesada run that began with an issue #1. The Black Widow guest stars and Joe does a fine job curving her lines just right. J Scott Campbell provides the cover. I wonder if Marvel Studios can buy the rights to a Daredevil movie soon. It's been like forever since the Affleck/Garner version. That was a fun film, but it's time for a serious attempt to do Daredevil right.
Glory v1 #4

Mike Deodato continues penciling stories of Glory. It's been a while since I posted the previous issues, but they're still up.
Hulk / Pitt #1

Incredible Hulk regular artist Dale Keown returned to draw the Hulk one last time with this one shot crossover. Hulk writer Peter David reunites with Keown for the first time in about 6 six years. Fists will be flying when these two creatures cross paths!
Amazing Spider-Man #14

We do have the best comic book people in the world visiting this site. One of our regular visitors pointed out that the Hulk made his first appearance in the page of Amazing Spider-Man back in issue #14. I never relate the Hulk to this issue because it is far better known as the first appearance of the Green Goblin. It took 14 issues for GG to appear. It's kind of weird because the Goblin was the first villain to appear in a Spider-Man movie. It's funny that Doctor Octopus, the Vulture, the Sandman, the Lizard, Electro, and Mysterio had all appeared in the pages of Amazing before Stan and Steve created the Green Goblin. Now if only Marvel Studios could get back the rights to Spidey so they could make some great movie stories with these classic villains. Did Abomination die in the new Hulk movie? Of course not. Marvel isn't dumb. Abomination could always return in a sequel. Killing off villains like Doc Ock, the Green Goblin, and Venom is just plain stupid. Movie studios should be smacked for such blasphemy. Great villains make great heroes. There's nothing great about a villain who gets killed off after 90 minutes. Nuff' said.
Amazing Spider-Man,
Marvel comics,
Stan Lee,
Steve Ditko
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Incredible Hulk and Wolverine #1 (1st Wolverine)

This is actually a reprint of issues #180 and #181 of the Incredible Hulk. It's the storyline with the first appearance of Wolverine ever. While Wolverine makes a cameo in issue #180, he makes his first full appearance in #181. It's also the first fight between the Hulk and Wolvie. Wolverine's mask was redesigned when he made his first appearance as an X-Man in Giant Size X-Men #1. I'm off to see the Hulk movie! I'll probably go see multiple times. Enjoy!
Incredible Hulk #410

At this point in the Incredible Hulk series, Bruce Banner's personality had become that of the Hulk's. It was kind of cool because Banner could keep his reasoning and use his strength as the Hulk whenever he wanted to. And Betty didn't seem to mind that the Hulk was coming home for dinner. He wasn't smashing the furniture anymore. Gary Frank also provides some of the best artwork of his career during his run of the Hulk.
Incredible Hulk #367
This is the first issue of Dale Keown's run as regular penciler on the Incredible Hulk. Keown would later create a character for Image comics called the Pitt, who was large and destructive like the Hulk. The both characters eventually crossed over in a special one-shot issue.
Incredible Hulk #337

Will the Hulk join the X-Men (X-Factor) in battle or fight them? You never know. The big green guy has some major mood swings. It's the second part to this storyline, penciled by Todd McFarlane.
Marvel comics,
Todd McFarlane,
Incredible Hulk #336

The Hulk vs. the X-Men. X-Factor originally consisted of the first X-Men team: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Iceman, and Angel. There were too many X-Men running around the pages of Uncanny X-Men back then, so Marvel decided to push the original X-Men team into the pages of X-Factor. So not only do you get to see the X-Men take on the Hulk in this issue, but Todd McFarlane pencils this issue too. This story is continued in the next issue!
Marvel comics,
Todd McFarlane,
Incredible Hulk #319

Bruce Banner gets married to his longtime girlfriend in this issue. Or at least tries to, while fighting off something big, mean, and green. Will the Hulk finally get some enjoyment out of his talent of tearing off clothes? Read to find out.
Amazing Spider-Man #119
It only took 119 issues, but finally the Hulk made an appearance in Amazing Spider-Man. And because it's such a big deal, the story is continued in issue #120.
Amazing Spider-Man,
John Romita Sr,
Marvel comics
Avengers #3

Another title that the Hulk could be seen in back in the early 60s was the Avengers. What happens when the Hulk and Sub-Mariner team up to take down the Avengers? Read to find out! Also speaking of the Avengers, Iron Man is supposed to make some kind of an appearance in the Incredible Hulk movie. As if you needed further motivation to go see it.
Iron Man,
Jack Kirby,
Marvel comics,
Stan Lee,
Fantastic Four v1 #112

Exactly 100 issues after the Hulk first appeared in FF, he returned to do battle with the Thing. It's round two of the Hulk vs. the Thing. Nuff' said.
Fantastic Four,
John Buscema,
Marvel comics,
Stan Lee
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