After Iron Man and Batman went at it in a previous video, the Hulk and Batman discovered that they had a lot in common with past movie letdowns and failures. Batman & Robin anyone? You couldn't pay me enough to sit through that one.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Now he's the Incredible Hulk
Here's a video with footage from the new Hulk movie. They also show footage from other films (Batman) or franchises that were rebooted. This new Hulk movie should have brought in a lot more people to the theater on opening weekend than the Ang Lee version, which they also show clips of in the video. I didn't realize how green and fake the Hulk looked in that one, until they showed him next to the new, refined version. I think that too many people were turned off by that other version that they haven't bothered to check this new fun movie out. It's story is even tied into the Iron Man movie, so you can't go wrong with it. Loved the Stan Lee cameo. Is it me or do his cameos keep getting better with every movie?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Daredevil v2 #2
At one time, it looked like Daredevil would hit issue #400. But then again, sales were really low for DD by the mid-90s and the book was struggling to survive. There hadn't been a really interesting Daredevil storyline since "Fall From Grace" when Matt Murdock was nearly killed and decided to wear a new costume. This is an issue from the Joe Quesada run that began with an issue #1. The Black Widow guest stars and Joe does a fine job curving her lines just right. J Scott Campbell provides the cover. I wonder if Marvel Studios can buy the rights to a Daredevil movie soon. It's been like forever since the Affleck/Garner version. That was a fun film, but it's time for a serious attempt to do Daredevil right.
Glory v1 #4

Mike Deodato continues penciling stories of Glory. It's been a while since I posted the previous issues, but they're still up.
Hulk / Pitt #1

Incredible Hulk regular artist Dale Keown returned to draw the Hulk one last time with this one shot crossover. Hulk writer Peter David reunites with Keown for the first time in about 6 six years. Fists will be flying when these two creatures cross paths!
Amazing Spider-Man #14

We do have the best comic book people in the world visiting this site. One of our regular visitors pointed out that the Hulk made his first appearance in the page of Amazing Spider-Man back in issue #14. I never relate the Hulk to this issue because it is far better known as the first appearance of the Green Goblin. It took 14 issues for GG to appear. It's kind of weird because the Goblin was the first villain to appear in a Spider-Man movie. It's funny that Doctor Octopus, the Vulture, the Sandman, the Lizard, Electro, and Mysterio had all appeared in the pages of Amazing before Stan and Steve created the Green Goblin. Now if only Marvel Studios could get back the rights to Spidey so they could make some great movie stories with these classic villains. Did Abomination die in the new Hulk movie? Of course not. Marvel isn't dumb. Abomination could always return in a sequel. Killing off villains like Doc Ock, the Green Goblin, and Venom is just plain stupid. Movie studios should be smacked for such blasphemy. Great villains make great heroes. There's nothing great about a villain who gets killed off after 90 minutes. Nuff' said.
Amazing Spider-Man,
Marvel comics,
Stan Lee,
Steve Ditko
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Incredible Hulk and Wolverine #1 (1st Wolverine)

This is actually a reprint of issues #180 and #181 of the Incredible Hulk. It's the storyline with the first appearance of Wolverine ever. While Wolverine makes a cameo in issue #180, he makes his first full appearance in #181. It's also the first fight between the Hulk and Wolvie. Wolverine's mask was redesigned when he made his first appearance as an X-Man in Giant Size X-Men #1. I'm off to see the Hulk movie! I'll probably go see multiple times. Enjoy!
Incredible Hulk #410

At this point in the Incredible Hulk series, Bruce Banner's personality had become that of the Hulk's. It was kind of cool because Banner could keep his reasoning and use his strength as the Hulk whenever he wanted to. And Betty didn't seem to mind that the Hulk was coming home for dinner. He wasn't smashing the furniture anymore. Gary Frank also provides some of the best artwork of his career during his run of the Hulk.
Incredible Hulk #367
This is the first issue of Dale Keown's run as regular penciler on the Incredible Hulk. Keown would later create a character for Image comics called the Pitt, who was large and destructive like the Hulk. The both characters eventually crossed over in a special one-shot issue.
Incredible Hulk #337

Will the Hulk join the X-Men (X-Factor) in battle or fight them? You never know. The big green guy has some major mood swings. It's the second part to this storyline, penciled by Todd McFarlane.
Marvel comics,
Todd McFarlane,
Incredible Hulk #336

The Hulk vs. the X-Men. X-Factor originally consisted of the first X-Men team: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Iceman, and Angel. There were too many X-Men running around the pages of Uncanny X-Men back then, so Marvel decided to push the original X-Men team into the pages of X-Factor. So not only do you get to see the X-Men take on the Hulk in this issue, but Todd McFarlane pencils this issue too. This story is continued in the next issue!
Marvel comics,
Todd McFarlane,
Incredible Hulk #319

Bruce Banner gets married to his longtime girlfriend in this issue. Or at least tries to, while fighting off something big, mean, and green. Will the Hulk finally get some enjoyment out of his talent of tearing off clothes? Read to find out.
Amazing Spider-Man #119
It only took 119 issues, but finally the Hulk made an appearance in Amazing Spider-Man. And because it's such a big deal, the story is continued in issue #120.
Amazing Spider-Man,
John Romita Sr,
Marvel comics
Avengers #3

Another title that the Hulk could be seen in back in the early 60s was the Avengers. What happens when the Hulk and Sub-Mariner team up to take down the Avengers? Read to find out! Also speaking of the Avengers, Iron Man is supposed to make some kind of an appearance in the Incredible Hulk movie. As if you needed further motivation to go see it.
Iron Man,
Jack Kirby,
Marvel comics,
Stan Lee,
Fantastic Four v1 #112

Exactly 100 issues after the Hulk first appeared in FF, he returned to do battle with the Thing. It's round two of the Hulk vs. the Thing. Nuff' said.
Fantastic Four,
John Buscema,
Marvel comics,
Stan Lee
Fantastic Four v1 #12

After the first Incredible Hulk series ended, the Hulk was basically wandering around making guest appearances and smashing things. One of his greatest guest appearances was in this issue of the Fantastic Four by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Nuff' said.
Fantastic Four,
Jack Kirby,
Marvel comics,
Stan Lee
Incredible Hulk v1 #6

This is the final issue of the original Incredible Hulk series. It's hard to believe it today, but the Hulk was canceled after a mere 6 six issues. The Incredible Hulk was a bi-monthly title, so that's why the title was probably hurting in sales. Waiting 2 months for the next issue of the Incredible Hulk? No wonder readers lost interest. Marvel's writer and artists were spread pretty thin back in 1962-63. They had like 3 guys (Lee, Kirby, and Ditko) working 6 titles. This gem is by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.
Tales to Astonish #59

This is the first appearance of the Hulk in Tales to Astonish. The Hulk would share stories with Giant Man and then Sub-Mariner until the series ended with issue #101 and was renamed the Incredible Hulk. Sub-Mariner was also given his own solo series with an issue #1.
Incredible Hulk #102

After years of waiting, the Hulk was finally given his own title after sharing space in the series "Tales to Astonish." This is the issue that started the second volume of the Incredible Hulk and propelled him into history.
Incredible Hulk Annual #1

First Incredible Hulk annual ever! This issue was originally published in 1968. The Hulk was given an annual issue once the series was restarted with issue #102. Speaking of #102, that will be the next posting.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Incredible Hulk #200

The Incredible Hulk movie is now in theaters. It's a good time to begin a Hulk marathon, starting with the 200th issue of the Incredible Hulk. Comic books fans rejoice! Plenty of Hulk-related issues to be posted today!
Friday, June 06, 2008
Gen13 #13C

This final part (C) to issue #13 really delivers to comic book fans. A story about a comic book holding great powers, scantily clad women, and guest appearances by comic book characters from various companies. As you can see by the cover, Shi makes an appearance. Also look for a well known X-Man to cross paths with Grunge on his journey. Issue 13 of Gen13 is sweet like candy.
Gen 13,
Image comics,
J. Scott Campbell,
Marvel comics
Gen13 #13B

It's issue #13B of Gen13, which continues the story from issue #13A. Bone enters the world of Gen13 in this issue. So you thought you had every issue of Bone. Think again. Also, this issue is filled with appearances of superheroes from Image, DC, and Marvel. There's plenty of surprises. Even Jim Lee makes an appearance in comic book form.
Gen 13,
Image comics,
J. Scott Campbell,
Jim Lee,
Gen13 #13A

This could get a little confusing. Issue #13 of Gen13 was originally sold in 3 parts: 13A, 13B, and 13C. It's a continuing storyline for the three letters. It's a really fun story, so it's well worth checking out all three. In part 13A, Archie from Archie Comics makes an appearance. So we get to see Archie and his friends drawn in Archie style and also by J Scott Campbell. So how would Betty and Veronica look if they entered the world of Gen13? Take a look at this issue to find out.
Gen 13,
Image comics,
J. Scott Campbell
Peanuts #1

The Peanuts comic book series is a little different from the newspaper strips because these are full-length stories. Charlie Brown, Linus, Snoopy, Schroeder, and Lucy appear in this first issue of the Dell series.
Emma Frost #2

Frost can be seen in current issues of Uncanny X-Men like this month's Uncanny X-Men #499.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Star Wars: A Lost Hope
Always a fun comedy video to watch. And it's even better because it's about Star Wars. Bratty Anakin Skywalker faces off against a drunken Obi Wan. So many more laughs than the real Episode III. I've posted this before, but now you can just watch it through YouTube.
Variant Edition 74: Iron Man episode (video)
Can't get enough Iron Man? This episode of Variant Edition is dedicated to Iron Man material and a big discussion about the movie. It's been a while since I've posted a Variant Edition episode since it was difficult to tell when they would have time to make new videos. I remember that host Nick used to have a full crop of hair. Did he lose a bet? Have fun.
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